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IJFMA - Call for Papers Vol. 7 No. 1

Audiovisual and Creative Industries – Present and Future

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)


Editor: Manuel José Damásio

Guest Editors: Gesa Marten and Jyoti Mistryeiro


For this issue IJFMA Vol. 7 No. 1, the editorial board take up the title of the GEECT conference Transversal Entanglement, which took place at the Film University Babelsberg in 3rd – 5th June 2021, to further spin the threads of artistic research in film and weave them together in this journal edition. Transversal is process-oriented, transdisciplinary and multi-perspectival and aims to question and transform existing structures.  Entanglement invites examination of how relations between things effect each other and how relational processes may impact and affect particular artistic outcomes.

For this issue on artistic research, we invite contributions that give consideration to new media forms and technologies, new ways of distribution and reception that are changing the filmic arts and film language. New digital possibilities put the classic cinema space into revised perspectives. Filmic narratives and imageries shape reality in a re-orientated constellation of entangled experiences. Artistic research in the medium of film invites reflection on social, political, economic, scientific and technical transformations.

We invite contributions that are case studies, experiments with and through the medium of film, collaborative projects across disciplines using film and audio-visual media and expansive historical reflections that open towards the entangled relationships between film practices and critical enquiry.

We frame this special issue through the lens of research approaches and methods and the impact of technology is driving artistic research in film forms. Contributors are encouraged to share their experiments with form, content and knowledge from the sciences and the role of technologies which traverse other art forms. Further consideration may be given to the discourses, narratives and imageries in film that expand media forms to build on technological innovations and which impact artistic developments.


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Please, check the author guidelines here:


Timeline for publication:

Submission Full Paper – 29th November 2021

1st round feedback from reviewers – 16th February 2022

1st round return from authors – 14th March 2022

2nd round feedback from reviewers – 6th April 2022

Final Revisions – 25th April 2022

Publication Date – 8th June 2022

IJFMA Online Launch – 15th June 2022 11 am CET (TBD)

IJFMA Launch – GEECT Conference (TBD)


published 22 April 2022modified 18 November 2022