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Katarína Mišíková

Film studies, Realism, Documentary, Audience development

Katarína Mišíková is associate professor at the Film and Television Faculty at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Her lectures include film history, narrative and cognitive film theory, and film analysis. Her research focuses on issues of realism and hybridisation techniques in contemporary Slovak cinema and doucumentary cinema the framework of East-central European cinemas. She published numerous studies and articles as well as the monograph Mind and Story in Film Fiction (Mysl a příběh ve filmové fikci, 2009). She is the co-editor and co-author of collective volumes New Slovak Cinema (Nový slovenský film, 2015), Screen Industries in Eastern-Central Europe conference volume Transformation Processes and New Screen Media Technologies (2016) and Slovak Cinema in 2016 (Slovenský film v roku 2016. 2017) as well as a textbook Selected Chapters from the History of Cinema (Vybrané kapitoly z dejín filmu, 2015) and the author of textbook Academic competencies (Akademické kompetentnosti, 2024). Her professional activities include popularization of cinema and audience development among cinephiles, students and pupils.