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Ralitsa Assenova

European projects, Film literacy, Audience development, Social inclusion

PhD in European policies and practices in the field of film education for youth (NATFA, Bulgaria), Ralitsa Assenova holds a master degree in theatre and film studies (Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 and University of Bologna, Italy) as well as in European cultural policies (Institut d’études européennes within the Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis).
She is among the founders of the Bulgarian NGO Arte Urbana Collectif and initiator of its Cinema in School programme, including several European and international projects such as CinEd – European Cinema Education for Youth, Le Cinéma, Cent ans de jeunesse, Short Cut – Young Filmmakers Portray Their Cities, Cinemini etc.
In addition to managing European projects, over the last ten years Ralitsa has led, conducted and participated in the organisation of numerous conferences, festivals, workshops and initiatives to create synergies between the cultural and educational sectors.
She is the project manager for FilmEU on behalf of NATFA.