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Tomas Vandecasteele

Tomas Vandecasteele ((°Antwerp, 1972)) is an artist, researcher and guest lecturer at Narafi/Luca School of Arts. After studying philosophy (Ugent) and comparative cultural studies (Ugent), he began a career as a marketing researcher and consultant. From 2005, he worked as a fashion and travel photographer, while also building his own artistic oeuvre. For the Mozart Year (2006), he co-devised the concept for an opera about Mozart's life and created an immersive video. The performances were staged at La Monnaie (Brussels) and Dschungel (Vienna). He was a guest lecturer (fashion film) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Ghent/Belgium) and mentor for young photographers for the Antwerp Photo Museum (FoMu).

His work was published in numerous Belgian and international magazines, he had exhibitions at FoMu and MoMu (Fashion Museum Antwerpen), among others.

He is currently working both artistically and philosophically on the relationship between photography and representation.