3 National Research Fellowship for PhD - FilmEU - COFAC/ULHT/FilmEU-FCT/2025_National Scholarship
From 21 February to 30 May 2025, a call is open for 3 (three) national research scholarships for doctoral students under the reference COFAC/ULHT/FilmEU-FCT/2025_Nacional, under the Collaboration Protocol for the Financing of doctoral research scholarships within the scope of the European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts (FilmEU), signed between FCT and Universidade Lusófona, with funds from the State Budget and, when eligible, with funds from the European Social Fund, through the Demography, Qualifications and Inclusion Programme (PDQI). Through the Demography, Qualifications and Inclusion Programme (PDQI), in accordance with the regulations established for this purpose.