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DOCTUS - FilmEU_RIT PhD Research Seminars

RIT Pilot Projects

16th Feb

09h - 09h15: Veerle Van der Sluys – Introduction

Host: LUCA School of Arts (Online)

This seminar will focus on the FilmEU_RIT pilot projects. In addition to presenting where the pilot projects stand, the seminar aims to provide a platform for PhD students to discuss and debate their participation (and added value) in international research projects. All FilmEU and FilmEU_RIT researchers are invited to attend.

09h15-09:45: Sherra Murphy & - The EU Archive of Short Animation

09h45-10h15: Leen Engelen - CongoVR

10h15-10h45: Tobias Frühmorgen - Machine Acts

10h45-11h15: Elen Lotman - AR & Cognitive film studies

11h15-11h45: Steven Malliet - ExpandedMemories

12h-12h25: Parallel session (1) Debate on the participation of PhD researchers

  • Table 1: Lies Van de Vijver on TRAINING
  • Table 2: Veerle Van der Sluys on DISSEMINATION

12h25-12h50: Parallel session (2) Debate on the participation of PhD researchers

  • Table 3: Daithí Mac Síthigh on COLLABORATION
  • Table 4: Teet Teinemaa on THE FUTURE

12h50-13h Concluding thoughts

Registration form.


Artistic Research in VR

14th - 16th March

Host: Lusófona University (Lisbon, Portugal)

This seminar will invite participants to experience VR art pieces and debate them with their creators. It will look into immersive storytelling techniques and allow the participants to present their (early) ideas for developing an artistic XR experience. A technical-creative team will prototype and storyboard the idea into a proof of concept (both cinematic and interactive VR) in Gravity Sketch, Quill and Unity. A final open discussion will prepare the next research steps.

Registration form.


Film and Media Research Perspectives

24th - 26th April

Host: IADT (Dublin, Ireland)

One day of this seminar brings the participants to the IADT-hosted conference on comedy, 'Why So Serious?'. The second day is dedicated to workshops and training on artistic research, including methodology and sources, and broader knowledge including intellectual property and data management. The final day has a focus on participant presentations and feedback.

Registration form.



Host: BFM/ Tallinn University

In this seminar Neurocinematic experts and established filmmakers Pia Tikka and Elen Lotman will introduce the cutting-edge world of bringing film and neuroscience together. This will help participants understand how audiovisual media affects the brain and how this, in turn, can affect filmmaking practices. A more detailed overview of the seminar structure will be made available on the website in the near future. Additional information here.

Registration form.


The events will happen at Central European Time

published 26 January 2023modified 09 July 2024