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ETIKETA kick off meeting

The kick off meeting of the ETIKETA project was held online on 14 April. This one-year pilot action was approved last January by the European Commission and is one of the six actions approved to analyse and test the specific needs of the implementation of joint European diplomas and the European Degree Label.

Coordinated by Universidade Lusófona/CICANT this pilot action counts also with the participation of the institutions that compose the FilmEU European University (IADT, LUCA and Tallinn University) as well as with representatives of some of the most relevant qualification and accreditation agencies in Europe, such as EQ Arts, NVAO, QQI and HEKA. At national level ETIKETA also counts with the collaboration of representatives of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.

Particularly targeted at the arts sector, the ETIKETA pilot aims to elaborate a proposal that is transversal to the various areas of knowledge and that, beyond a mere administrative and legal seal, becomes the cornerstone of an instrument of effective recognition of the quality of the education provided in the joint degrees that obtain it, and that represents for the graduate an effective added value with the industry and other key stakeholders.

The work of this project may be continuously followed in the specific website of the project that will be made available in the next days in FilmEU website.

published 20 April 2023modified 23 May 2023