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FDG 23 - Call for Papers

The FDG '23 - Foundations of Digital Games 2023 conference, one of the most important conferences in computer games research, will be held at Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal, in April next year! The call for papers is now open.

FDG' 23 invites all research contributions in the form of papers, posters, demos, doctoral consortium applications, as well as panels, competitions and workshop proposals. We invite contributions from within and across any discipline committed to advancing knowledge on the foundations of games: computer science, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, arts and design

Topics include:

  • Technical Game Development, Novel Controllers
  • Game Design, Studio Practices, Novel Mechanics, Novel Experiences
  • Game Analytics and Visualization
  • Game Artificial Intelligence
  • Game Criticism and Analysis
  • Games Beyond Entertainment

Submission Deadlines:

  • Submission Deadline: 4th November 2022 
  • Workshops, Panels and Competition Deadlines: 21st October 2022
  • Late-Breaking Paper: 27th of January 2023
  • Games & Demos Deadline: 27th of January 2023
  • Conference Dates: 11th-14th of April 2023

More info:

published 03 August 2022modified 18 November 2022