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FilmEU Challenge – Ideation week in LUCA

At the end of October, the FilmEU challenge will have its kick off week at LUCA, 60 students from all partner institutions are working together around a common cause through the lens of film and media arts. This year the aim of this international group project is to explore an experimental approach to filmmaking, mining the tradition of European visual art. During this ideation week the students will reside in one of the LUCA buildings, the castle of Ter Beken. During this week all the students will get to know each other more and will start to examine the relationship between pictures and sound and explore ways of manipulating this relationship to convey new meaning. 

With this project, FilmEU as an alliance is committed to significantly promoting, developing, and implementing sustainable practices in artistic higher education and research and in the cultural and creative industries. This includes supporting or participating in initiatives that seek to make the film industry more sustainable striving in our staff and student mobilities and developing and evaluating our use of technology for sustainability. The focus is not only on the impact during the production phase but starts with the story development to end with the screening phase.




published 10 October 2022modified 08 August 2023