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FilmEU DYNAMIC CLUSTERS Call for proposals


FilmEU brings together 8 European higher education institutions to collaborate on jointly promoting artistic research, innovation and educational activities in the multidisciplinary field of film and media arts. The FilmEU Alliance calls for proposals for dynamic clusters of researchers.

A dynamic cluster is a fluid structure clustered around a topic and consists of a array of researchers from students to PhD candidates, early career researchers to senior research profiles. Being part of a collaborative cluster offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the quality and impact of your work. A dynamic cluster operates across different cultural backgrounds and expertise, providing you with fresh research perspectives, expanded resources, and networking opportunities.

In 2024, the FilmEU Alliance will select up to three new dynamic clusters awarded each with up to 15.000 euro seed funding for pilot projects and involving groupings of FilmEU staff and students.



  • Only clusters of researchers based at least 3 of the partner HEIs are eligible;
  • The lead researcher should have a senior profile in one of the participating HEIs.
  • The maximum duration of a cluster is 20 months, starting in June 2024 and ending January 2026.
  • All projects must aim for artistic research outcome disseminated (e.g. festival participation, art gallery, …) in conjunction with a publication in an international peer reviewed journal (e.g. JAR) and/or participation in international conferences.

The deadline for applications is 29 April.



Or contact Lies Van de Vijver (LUCA School of Arts, for more information.

published 02 March 2024modified 11 March 2024