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FILMEU promotes series of talks on Quality Assurance and Future Governance models in Higher Education in Europe

On 25th March, Daniela Jobertová provided useful insights about the QA system of the Film and TV School (FAMU), based on her experience as Vice-Rector of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU) from 2017 to 2021. Daniela also presented the findings of a cross-european study on existing QA models for the arts.

On the same day, John Butler and Sally Mometti gave a short presentation about EQ-Arts as an independent and sector specific QA agency within the fields of Creative and Performing Arts and Design across Europe. EQ-Arts is one of the associated partner organizations inside WP 9 that will work on the development of FILMEU QA framework, by designing and testing an accreditation system that complies with the ESG while adhering to the principles and objectives of the future European University.

On 28th March, António Magalhães (University of Porto/ CIPES) was invited to Future Governance team to share some insights about his experience on CIPES Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies, in Portugal. António has been developing research projects at national and international level in the field of higher education. His presentation focused on three aspects of governance in European Higher Education: general trends, national/regional differences and futures of higher education governance.

published 26 April 2022modified 18 November 2022