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FilmEU_RIT (Research | Innovation | Transformation)


On June 9th we held our FilmEU RIT Summit, the topic was a Dialogue on Artistic Research between the EU4ART alliance and FilmEU. The team representing EU4ART included Dr Till Ansgar Baumhauer, Dr Manuel Angél Macía and Mr Franco Ripa di Meana. FilmEU representatives were Dr Elen Lotman, Dr Veerle Van der Sluys and Dr Daithí Mac Síthigh.

Also, during these sessions we heard updates from the five pilot research projects, investigating everything from artificial intelligence to zoetropes that have been launched by FilmEU. With funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme (FilmEU_RIT), five multinational, multidisciplinary teams of researchers will collaborate for the next 20 months, identifying new ways of working together and demonstrating the importance of artistic research and of experimental and practice-led approaches. These pilot projects provide a foundation for interdisciplinary research clusters spanning all of the FilmEU institutions, further positioning FilmEU as a critical cultural intermediary for Europe’s creative industries.


Doctoral Summer Seminar

In the scope of FilmEU research activities and with the objective of facilitating and promoting networking between young researchers, the sharing of experiences and methods and the emergence of new collaborative initiatives, FilmEU closed its 2022 summer summit on the 10th of June, a one-day Doctoral seminar.

The seminar consisted of students’ presentation of papers or posters of their ongoing work followed by a feedback session from a panel of experts and a peer feedback session.

Selection for participation was based on the quality of proposal, taking into account how the research is related to the field of Film and Media Arts . Our aim was to ensure diversity by including students with different disciplinary emphases and at different stages of their PhD trajectory.


published 12 July 2022modified 09 July 2024