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FilmEU Summit 2024 students films screening

University: TLU

What's up with Numbats?

Director: Elis Rumma

Screenplay: Paula Üleoja, Elis Rumma

Cinematography: Joosep Ivask

Music: Kalev Kivi

Production: Baltic Film, Media and Arts School

Running time: 13 min

Film type: Fiction

Country: Estonia

Completion date: 2023

Synopsis: Correctness-loving Eve and effortless Leida are colleagues and opposites working everyday side by side at a small town library. During a casual wordgame between the two prideful Leida´s factually wrong answer about Numbats habitat upsets Eve. Unfortunately for her the book to end the debate is missing. Unanswered calls to the bookholder and smirky Leida sets her off on a hunt for the book. An absurd adventure to prove her co-worker wrong begins and takes unusual turns until the very end.


University: LUCA

02 Evermore LUCA


Director: Anouck Ramaut & Gilles Van Damme
Producer: Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Cast: Eline Baert, Kodou Njie, Dries Voet
Camera: Gilles Van Damme
Editor: Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Sound: Ynke Herrygers
Produced by: Luca School of Arts in Bruxelles
Film type: Short Documentary
Running time:13,45 min
Country: Belgium
Completion date: 2022

Synopsis: Evermore tells the story of three young adults: Eline, Kodou and Dries. A few years ago, they all lost a parent to a long-term illness. They share how they coped with that loss and what difficulties they encountered during that process. Each of them found their own way to give their grief a place.

University: Lusófona

03 A mother goes to the beach LU

A Mother Goes to the Beach

Director: Pedro Hasrouny
Producer: Malu Lins
Screenplay: Noelia Crispin
Cinematographer: Marina Tebechrani
Sound design: Fernando Torres V.
Edit: Mattheus Macedo
Production Design: Pedro Hasrouny
Production: Lusófona University
Running time: 15 min
Film type: Drama
Country: Portugal
Completion date: 2023

Synopsis: Teresa, a single mother spends a day at the beach with her six-year-old son, Benji and her sister Marga, who is back in Portugal for a summer vacation. The day becomes very stressful with her sister’s constant speech about her son’s achievements and her criticisms towards Benji.


University: LMTA

04 Closer poster LMTA


Director: Augustė Gerikaitė
Producers: Lineta Lasiauskaitė, Greta Akcijonaitė
Screenwriter: Augustė Gerikaitė
Cinematographer: Vasily Shramkov
Editor: Raminta Siliūnaitė
Sound Designer: Domantas Kutkaitis
Production Designer: Agnė Ragelytė
Leading Actors: Aleksas Kazanavičius, Gintarė Čepukonytė
Production company: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Running time: 22
Film type: Short Fiction
Country: Lithuania
Completion date: 2024

Synopsis: One day a young man intrudes into a life of an ex-couple Bernardas and Silvija, triggering memories of how they met through a newspaper ad. After spending a night in a lonely hotel room they realize that despite conflicting interest they can find hope for a shared life.


University: VIA



Directed and produced by: Bjarke Hvorslev & Simon Wittrup
Narrated by: Simen Knudsen
Director of photography: Simon Wittrup
Drone operator: Bjarke Hvorslev
Editor: Bjarke Hvorslev
Sound design: Bjarke Hvorslev
Grade: Simon Wittrup
Produced by: VIA Film & Transmedia
Running time: 6,40 min
Film type: Short documentary
Country: Denmark
Completion date: 2019
A special thanks to: M2film, Anne Lerfald, Via Film & Transmedia, Nordic Ocean Watch

Synopsis: Tavaha is a Nordic term meaning 'to take care of the ocean' and is the title of a short documentary that explores Simen Knudsen's views on plastic pollution and his reasons for being involved in the cause.


07 Wrap it up VIA

Wrap It Up!

Director: Noa Juel Johansen
Graphics: Emilie Bach
Character Design: Emilie Bach, Nataschja Caja
Storyboard: Noa Juel, Regis Marion, Matilde Vinther, Nataschja Caja
Background: Emilie Bach, Thorbjørn Harders, Kim Strandli, Matilde Vinther
Animation: Regis Marion, Maria Blowers, Noa Juel, Nataschja Caja
Camera: Maria Blowers, Noa Juel
Compositing: Kim Strandli, Emilie Bach
Music: Frederik Ebert
Produced by: VIA Film & Transmedia
Running time: 0,55 min
Film type: NGO project
Country: Denmark
Completion date: 2017

Synopsis: A city-boy takes a day off on the beach, too lazy to throw his trash in the bin; he tosses it on the beach. Grave consequences follow, which changes his mind on littering. Wrap It Up is a spot for the Danish NGO Plastic Change International, produced in seventeen weeks by a team of second year animation students at The Animation Workshop.


08 Mano VIA


Director: Toke Madsen
Animation: Arthur Stahlschmidt, Katla Gunnarsdóttir, Nicolas Boissiere, Marie Moth Tofting Larsen & Benedikte Meldgaard Hansen
Script: Anne Bomholt & Magnus Merklin Christensen
Cast: Ali Hamza , Adem Hamza, Anika Weston, Kasper Kruse
Concept Art: Nanna Marie Steffensen & Viðar Thanh Du Karlsson
Editor: Toke Madsen, Emilio Talib Carius Elmowy
Sound Engineering, Mix And Editing: Rasmus Stæhr, Mikkel Juhl
Soundtrack: Telepa-T
Produced by: VIA Film & Transmedia
Film type: Animation Short Film
Running time: 6,58
Country: Denmark
Completion date: 2023

Synopsis: On a slow morning near the outskirts of a Danish city, two brothers learn to take care of themselves. Due to their neglectful mother, the older brother feels the need to protect his younger sibling from the struggles of a dysfunctional family.


University: VŠMU

09 Concrete times poster VSMU

Concrete Times

Director: Lucia Kašová
Screenplay: Lucia Kašová
Cinematographer: Martin Jurči
Editor: Nikola Kišová
Sound Designer: Igor Jedinák
Animation: Samuel Šutka
Cast: Blaho Uhlár, Juraj Bohunský Ján Severíni and more.
Production company: Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava
Running time: 19,34
Film type: Documentary
Country: Slovakia
Completion date: 2018

Synopsis: Changes of my city - Bratislava which lies on the Donau river depicted in city symphony with nostalgia for the past and uncertainty of the outcome of future developing project - the highest building of the city. Philosophical assemblage of different worlds of people which never meet, despite sharing of the same geographical location - one kilometer of one riverbank of one city, any city.

University: NAFTA

10 Game NAFTA


Director: Orlin Menkadzhiev
Screenplay: Victor Paskov and Orlin Menkadzhiev
Cinematographer: Vesselin Menkadzhiev
Main cast: Eduard Milevski and Georgi Kulvachev
Produced by: NATFA “Kr. Sarafov”
Editor: Kasyiana Angelova
Art Directors: Teodora Stoilova
Music: Nayden Atanasov
Production: National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia
Running time: 8,39 min
Film type: Fiction
Country: Bulgaria
Completion date: 2021

Synopsis: Two brothers - Pavel, 14, and Rado, 10, are wandering around various abandoned places and abandoned industrial buildings. In one of the places Rado finds a harmonica with which he starts playing. Pavel sees him and takes it by force. Rado gladly tries to get it back, but then Pavel punches him and leaves, while his little brother remains lying on the ground. After that, Rado notices his brother sitting on the railing of a quay. In his anger, he pushes his brother into the water. While Paul is drowning, Rado is numb at first and then runs away. Shortly afterwards, Rado returns, calling his brother's name, but receives no answer.


11 The Air Ace NAFTA

The Air Ace

Director: Svilen Dimitrov
Screenplay: Svilen Dimitrov
Art adviser: Vladislav Budinov
Original music: Iskren Iskrenov
Animation: Svilen Dimitrov
Editing: Svilen Dimitrov
Vocal: Ekaterina Ivanova
Painters: Svilen Dimitrov, Yanita Chukleva-Dimitrova, Anna Slavkova, Silvia Serezliiska
Sound effects and recording: Vinyl studio
Production: National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia
Running time: 8,40 min
Film type: Short Animation
Country: Bulgaria
Completion date: 2007

Synopsis: There are only three necessities in order to fly:
To be a frog!


University: IADT

12 Small making of a storm IADT

The Small Makings of a Storm

Director: Avery Angle
Music: Samantha Sack
Lead Animation: Avery Angle, Bró na Nic Gabhann
Animation: Wólf Chung, Ina Albrecht, Ró isí n Kelly, Niamh Mahón
Sound Design: Avery Angle
Sound Mixing: Adam Butler, Eóghan Fitzmaurice
Background Painting and Design: Avery Angle
Storyboarding: Avery Angle, Kelly McCarvill, Bianca Cójócariu, Aleksandra Kóleva
Concept Art Assistance: Dóvile Kaminskaite
Comp Assistance: Kóleman Angle, Eimhin McNamara
Produced by: Institute of Art, Design + Technology in Dublin
Film type: Animation Short Film
Running time: 4,44 min
Country: Ireland
Completion date: 2023

Synopsis: From rising mists to billowing clouds, water weaves its way through every environment, leaving an impression on even the smallest of creatures.


13 Every other weekend IADT


Director: James Naughton
Produced by: Institute of Art, Design + Technology in Dublin
Film type: Animation Short Film
Running time: 4,59 min
Country: Ireland
Completion date: 2023

Synopsis: Desperate to escape from a routine of biweekly visits, a recently divorced father drags his two children camping to the west of Ireland.

published 27 May 2024modified 27 May 2024