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FilmTerm 2021 online conference

The main goal of the FilmTerm 2021 was to present the latest terminology work in the field of Cinema. Free online tools and best practices for terminology work were presented. FilmTerm also aims to encourage film students and young researchers to take up the terminology work by providing a platform to network with the international community of terminology researchers. They hope to create a common vision for film terminology research and urge filmmakers and researchers worldwide to get involved in the development of a comprehensive multilingual database. The conference was organized by Baltic Film, Media and Arts School of Tallinn University and Estonian Film Database, in cooperation with National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, Lusófona University, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, and The International Association of Film and Television Schools CILECT, with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

published 22 April 2022modified 18 November 2022