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Lusófona University ends its academic activities

This year's edition of Over & Out was very special. After almost two years of a pandemic, we are back together to celebrate! The bachelor degree in Film celebrated 20 years! 20 years of many adventures, achievements and moments of celebration, of which Over & Out is a reflection of that!

The exhibition of works by the Film and Media Arts department students was open to the general public at the Prata Riverside Village from the 18th to the 22nd of July. The remaining events took place on the Lusófona University campus with screening of films from the bachelor degree in Digital Animation, documentaries from the degree in Film, Masters in Film Studies and DocNomads. Fiction shorts from the Kino Eyes and Film Studies masters were also exhibited.

From the Film degree bachelor, video clips, advertisement films, tv series pilots and graduation shorts from the third year were also shown, which were one of the highlights of the last day of Over & Out.

Did you miss Over & Out 2022? You can see (almost) everything on our social media!

Next year, there will be more!!!

Complete program here:

published 26 July 2022modified 18 November 2022