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New audiovisual team students

AV student

FilmEU is all about colaboration! During the Academic Year, our students are involved in many activities and events, like FilmEU Summit, FilmEU Talk, FilmEU Cineclub, FilmEU Academy and much more.

Hi! I’m Bo, 24 years old, and I'm now jumping into my second year of film school at Sint-Lukas in Brussels.

I would describe myself as an empath. I use my voice through art and my mission is loud and clear; I want to reconnect souls. I want to show the divinity of humanity and give a voice to people’s mind & soul. I want to give hope.

I already have a bachelor degree in communication studies. I see FilmEU as the perfect ocassion to combine my passion for art, film with content creating & producing. And obviously, it’s an unique way to expand my network and connect with talented people in Europe.

Sanae is 24 years old. She is a Master Film student at Sint-Lukas in Brussels. It’s her second year as a Filmeu ambassador.

“Being a part of the Filmeu team is a beautiful way to connect with student internationally. Because through this connection you learn a lot from different people and we don’t get the chance to meet people that share the same intrest every day.”

Hello, my name is Remco, I’m 23 years old and currently in my third year at Narafi Film School in Brussels.

Before I began this program, I got a degree in photography, But I’ve always been interested in film and cinema as well. As an almost fanatic viewer, I’ve seen a lot of movies. I started watching them when I was still very young, sometimes even secretly without my parents knowing or approving.

Later, I also became fascinated by the process of filmmaking. I’m mostly interested in the technical side of things: the work of a DOP, the lighting, etcetera. A friend who was already studying film at Narafi convinced me to start this program too. I’m still very glad that he did and that I followed his advice.

Now I have joined the AV Team of Film EU because I want to connect with different kind of people/students in the film industry here in Belgium and abroad. What I particularly like is being able to combine learning, working, and (of course) creating something.

Heyo, I’m Tamara!

I’m a 24 years old student in my 3rd bachelor year of Animation-film in Sint Lukas Brussels.

I’ve been in Belgium for 5 years and here I found the study I’ve always dreamt of following, I went to art universities prior to this but ended up studying Interior design for a while which wasn’t something I was happy about, I’ve always wanted to become an animator to create cartoons and animations that resemble me, it has been my dream since I was a kid, I was always so fascinated about the idea of making characters come to life and how beautifully they were drawn. As well as tackling topics people never thought about making into animation films. I’m very passionate about drawing and about many other crafts that I wish to be able to incorporate in my journey and to have a happy mix of art as a hobby and art as a career.

Hi, I’m Caitlin!

I’m 21 years old and I am currently in my second year of Audiovisual Arts: Animation.

After 2 years in Law School I decided I wanted to do something different, something that would move people in a different way and I ended up crash coursing and speedrunning art in less than a year and now…I’m here!

I’m eager to learn and broaden my horizon and with FilmEU I think that’s more than just a distant dream. I hope to be able to let others feel the same kind of passion and emotion that I feel when making art and watching animation enfold before me, no matter how long it takes. After all, you’re never too old to learn something new or to turn things around.

Many people talk about taking film and animation to a new level. I want to level it towards the people that enjoy it so the next generation of animators and moviemaker are ready to jump on and blow us all away.

And I hope, I can be one of them!

Afonso Pinto entered the artistic world at the age of 8, where he started by playing the drums. In the following year, he dedicated himself totally to musical practice, having entered the National Music Conservatory of Lisbon, where he would continue his studies for another 10 years until finishing high school.

During those years, Afonso played with several renowned orchestras such as the Gulbenkian Orchestra and played in venues such as the Centro Cultural de Belém, the São Carlos National Theatre, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Grand Auditorium, among others.

Afonso is a 2nd year sound student at Lusófona University. He is a recent member of FilmEU AV team that will be mostly in charge of the sound part of future projects.

Daniela d’Or was born in Coimbra. She started exploring her art at 6. She was involved in the project “Orquestra geração” in Sintra, playing the double bass until 2014. Then she made study’s in Lyon for a year to learn french and also integrate into a music school to continue practising the double bass. In 2015, she came back to Portugal and started studying at the National Conservatory of Music, playing with the wind orchestra and also the young orchestra of Lisbon. In 2017 she started to explore her love for acting, so she started studying at the Theatre School in Cascais and, at the weekends, she was doing sewing classes to also learn one more thing she loved. In 2018, she left music school to focus on theatre. The theatre high school finished in 2020 and she decided to study one more art - cinema - Since then, she is a bachelor's student at Lusófona University. In the first year, she joined the FilmEU project in the audiovisual team and in the second year she did the pilot project in Belgium. Now, as a third-year film student, she aspires to be a director, producer and actress, full of knowledge about different arts and experiences. She works well with teams and is always ready to learn with an enthusiastic attitude. Her favourite hobbies are travelling, exploring her style and talking about life.

Rita Mata began her artistic journey from a young age. Doing 6 years of contemporary dance, participating in some photography workshops, digital and analogic (pinhole) and having music classes between 2008 to 2013.

In 2012 Rita joined an amateur theatre group and in 2015 was accepted in a professional school of theatre (EPTC), were she shifted her love of performing arts to the life backstage. In 2018 she finished her course doing an internship as 2° AD in Teatro Experimental de Cascais (TEC).

Rita is now a third year undergraduate student in Cinema at Lusófona University, working mainly as 1st AD and/or Project Manager.

Afonso Brandão was born in 2003 and he loves film directing. He is a film student at Lusófona University and a team member of the FilmEU Audiovisual Team. From an early age, he discovered his passion for cinema. He had a youtube channel where he uploaded short videos. One day he was at school and started writing a script for a short film on his youtube channel, everyone enjoyed it and he realized that creating stories was his passion.

After graduating from high school, he participated in a scholarship contest and won it. He has done several projects, including advertisements, short films, documentaries and interviews.

"My goal right now is to make a movie and win an Oscar. I will continue to strive to get to my goal", Afonso.

My name is Oisín McKeogh and I’ve a keen interest in writing and directing; I’m currently in my third year of Film & TV Production at IADT. Most recently I’ve completed short films and projects for Creative Ireland, the EU Solidarity Corps and Fresh Film Hothouse programme. I’m interested in stories that explore human behaviour and the absurdity that comes with our existence.

I’m Maiya Rice and I’m a third year student of Film & TV Production in IADT. I’m specialising in cinematography, and I’ve always had an interest in experimenting with light and textures. I like telling stories about colourful characters with a hint of absurdity. I participated in the FilmEU pilot programme last year where I had the opportunity to work as a cinematographer, and I look forward to continue working with FilmEU.

My name is Amy and I am 3rd Year Film Student at IADT. Editor and Director. My favourite film is Meshes of the Afternoon.

My name is Orla and I am a second year TV student in IADT. I was co producing the broadcast of the FilmEU Summit this summer but it’s my first time working in the AV team. Besides producing, I am also very interested in editing and love working on set with a team. I’m looking forward to working with the other AV teams and am excited for the year ahead!

Hello, my name is Tomás Farrelly. I study Television at the Institute of Art Design and Technology in Dún Laoghaire. I love taking photographs, making videos and meeting new people. For me, the most important part of filmmaking, or any other craft for that matter, is to always make work that you can look back on and be proud of. I consider it a great privilege to be a part of the Film EU AV team and am looking forward to helping wherever I can.

My name is Daragh O’Shea, I am a part of this years FilmEU Av Team. I am currently a second year in TV Production at IADT. I am interested in roles such as writing, directing, sound, cinematography and editing. I have worked with FilmEU last year, directing the FilmEU summit 2022. I really look forward to learning new skills with both the students and the experience.

published 07 October 2022modified 25 March 2024