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Where Theater Meets Cinema

Nineteen productions from thirteen countries arrived at the 7th Madách International Theater Meeting: the event was held between September 17 and October 9 at the National Theater, and it also involved SZFE. Besides features productions by internationally renowned artists and many other activities, Anatoly Vasilyev held a master class at the festival for the students of SZFE, and his four part documentary was shown to the public. The film recalls some important eras and performances from the past two decades of the “School of Dramatic Arts” created by the legendary Anatoly Vasilyev, from the perspective of the founding artist. Through this subjective age document, one can gain an insight into one of the most important theatrical workshops of the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries; the special methods, and struggles of the artist can be seen. The film is also Anatoly Vasilyev's personal confession about the metaphysics of theatrical creation.

published 22 April 2022modified 18 November 2022